My friends and I seem to talk about relationships a lot. We're all around the same age, yet we all have different outlooks on dating and relationships. I have those friends that go from one serious, long-term relationship to another, thinking that they are going to marry the person they are with. I have those friends that are out to find that fairy-tale type of love. I have those friends that always seem to need someone and the ones that are unable to comprehend the idea of commitment. And then there's me.
I get terrified by the idea of just being with that one person. And most importantly, as bad as this may sound, I GET BORED. So bored, so easily. I can't seem to even get through the talking or dating part, before getting to the actual relationship. It's actually quite frustrating. I'm also picky. I don't want to settle for less though. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-relationship or anything. I'm just not trying to rush anything. It'll happen when it's supposed to. So until I find someone I like being with who doesn't bore me to death, I'm happy being single.
In the end, we all want the same thing. We want to be with someone that makes us happy, someone that gets us, someone that completes us. The only difference is how we get there and when we're ready for it. No matter how we feel about relationships, when we meet the right person, or the right person for now, it all goes down the drain. We just want to be happy. Some of us are happy being single, and others just need to have that special someone. But as long as you're happy, isn't that all that matters?
One tip though: Don't give your date a one arm side hug.